Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rant # 3: Idiots. Part one.

    Idiots, what would the world be with out them? Peaceful? Boring? Better? What defines someone as an idiot? Truth is, we're all idiots. At least to someone, somewhere, at some time or another. Some people call us an idiot because of the choices we make, or don't make. Or when we do something fun/stupid. Maybe you're thinking I'm an idiot for writing this. I wouldn't argue. Especially since this was supposed to be a  rant about how idiots get on my nerves so bad, or how much of an idiot I am. Which lately I'm beginning to think is more and more.
                                                      Idiots Annoying Me and the General Public
    It seems some people are just born to annoy us. Some people I think do it on purpose. And those are the ones that need to be thrown through an airplane window while it's going how ever fast they go how ever many miles in the air. Others don't mean to do it. They're just being themselves and it just so happens most people find it annoying. Those are the ones I feel sorry for and if they don't get on my nerves to bad I'll try to be-friend. And if they do get on my nerves I'll just sit back and feel sorry for them. But I'm not going to talk to them and try to help them change to fit in with reality. Because that's not them. And sooner or later they'll find someone who likes their annoying personality. Then they'll be friends or more than friends and happy until one of them goes and screws everything up and ruins every bit of friendship they ever had and now I'm ranting about something completely off topic and I should save for another day. So anyway back on the topic of Idiots, and I completely forgot what I was going to say at the beginning of this rant. That is a perfect example of me being an Idiot....To be continued...Maybe...
                                            Me being an Idiot.
    See for some reason I honestly thought that I could go to school and keep peace between people who have been fighting their whole lives even though they're more a like than ANYONE in this world. Well, firstly I'm an idiot because I put my trust in all the wrong people, I put to much faith in those I know don't deserve it. Why?... Well, I guess being an idiot works out perfectly for that answer now doesn't it? For some reason after I began to think that being a peacekeeper might be easier than I thought because they'd both try for me I honestly thought I could also have a bit of general happiness. But nope. Can't have peace in the family and complete happiness in the friends(ish) department. And I guess you can say karma struck me down for even thinking that and being so greedy. How dare I. So now I'm back to the way things were. No peace and no complete happiness in the friends(ish) department.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Randomness #2: Change

    Tricky topic change is. You don't really notice it at first or while it's happening but then after it's done you think about it and realize 'Wow, that's completely different'. I'm mostly talking about change in surroundings, and life in general but interpret it anyway you'd like. Take a moment and think back to say ten years ago. Do you still live in the same place? Have you moved? What's it like in that place we used to call home? Small cities become crowed cities, crowed cities become violent with crime rates going through the roof, suburban areas become urban areas, way out in the country becomes suburban. The farms we used to pass on our way to school are now McDonald's. The houses we used to pass and picture old couples living a happy life in have been sold to construction companies. Farms become homes and homes becomes stores. Our best friends in Kindergarten don't even know our names by high school. The people we always thought we'd never lose touch with slowly fade away until it's hard to call them more than acquaintance. The people we swore we'd marry in middle school we swear we never knew in high school. But now I'm just  rambling, the purpose of this was to really think, not so much to get you to think but to think in general.
    Did you used to drive around an area all the time but didn't for a year or even a couple months? Then when you go back you can picture it just the way it was but now everything's different, roads are added, neighborhoods were built, more traffic, less relaxing. But still you know your way around like the back of your hand. It seems like everything's changing now in days. We may notice the changes while they're happening but it's not the same as when you look back and everything's different. The home we used to call home is no longer our home, or maybe it is but have you realized how much it's changed since you were little? If you move houses or states a lot maybe you can't relate to this but think about how your families have changed, were you and your sister/brother always so close? Have you strayed apart? 
    Some people like change, some people beg for it, some people just accept it and move on, others don't like it at all. Me? I'm a mix between all three. I accept the changes that have been made but look back and wish things were the exact same as when I was little, and yet I think of the future and beg for something bigger, brighter. To travel the world, or just get out of state see what else there is out there. Instead of being stuck in a place that's so familiar and holds so many memories of places that don't exist anymore or places that are to crowed. Yet I know when I get out of here I'll come back to see family, or maybe just come back because people usually do, and I'll see everything has changed even more then when I left. And I'll hate that to. 
    Change is all around us. It controls us. Controls the speed we travel. Maybe we need to make some changes to change our path, to get where we want. Maybe the change we need is technology to catch up to our ideas, maybe we don't need any change at all but we'll get it anyway and have to adapt to it. We can hate the changes all we want but in the end we have to live with it. We may not be the ones making the changes that effect us most but there's nothing we can do but adapt. Sure, we can fight the changes but by doing that it'll in some way some how change you. Maybe it changes people's view of you, maybe it changes your view of yourself. Who knows but no matter what change will happen and all we can do is live with it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Randomness #1: Realist POV

    I've never saw myself as being much of a realist but I guess I kind of am. Or I guess I'm a pessimist, maybe they're the same thing. Let's be honest, we spend all our school years trying to make friends, trying to fit in somewhere. Then we shed tears when graduation comes and the realization sets in that we'll never see most of them again. Even though we new that all along. You and your best friend say that you'll be friends for ever, keep in touch after school, but eventually both of you, or one of you, get busy and caught up in your new life you forget about each other. You may stay in touch occasionally but it'll never really be same. Now, lets play the scenario where you both go to the same college. You prolong the life of the friendship for another, what? Two years? Four? Then you end the same way you would have if you didn't go to the same college.
     We strive for that moment of complete happiness, only to be disappointed afterward because no other moments live up to that. We strive for the perfect relationship even though we know that the odds for it lasting for the rest of our lives are against us. Even if it does last we won't both die at the same time, one of us will be left alone only to miss what we had or remarry and doing it all over again. 
    We strive for that perfect job even though at any moment it could all fall apart, we mess up and get fired. Budget cuts and we get fired. We get a promotion that we've been dying for and it's not all it we thought it would be. Why strive for something when every good thing in life will end eventually and could end at any moment? Why make friends only for them to turn around choose someone else over you? There are very few people who stay friends for the rest of their lives, even fewer of those have long and happy life. Which brings me to my next question.
    What is a long and happy life? Is it 60 years of solid happiness? That may be what we strive for but that's impossible. Is it 60 years of happiness and sadness where there's more happiness than sadness? Is it determined by the things we accomplish? Those who have the most always seem to be saddest.
    I know that's not always true. None of the things I've written are always true besides the simple fact that everything ends. Except your true and final death. That my friends is the only thing that lasts forever. It's the one solid thing (yes, I mean besides plants, trees, rivers, oceans, etc. smartass.) that lasts a life time. I realize some of you (well there's no one who reads this but it sounds nice) will say "That's not true, after death you go to Heaven or Hell." That may be true. (I'm not sure yet. The whole idea of religion confuses me. I believe that it's possible there's a God and all but who knows for sure?) Aaaanyway but regardless only your soul goes there. Your body stays dead. If you would like to argue that your body goes to Heaven or Hell also tell that to the people who have to dig up graves for crime stuff. I know God's really power and all but from what I hear about the Devil I'm pretty sure he'd be one to mess with people and not return the body when he finds out about the people digging it up. Or maybe that's just me.
    This turned from my depressing thought on life to a show of my f'd up since of humor that isn't that humorous. Oh well. I was bored. Clearly I need a life. But why? It's just going to end. Hopefully in a fun way. I'd like to die in a way no one would expect. A way that after the sadness goes away people could smile or laugh at. Maybe get hit by a train (you won't get the true irony and hilarity of that. Unless you're one person) Or a bridge collapsing (I don't like going over bridges) Or from an overly nutritionized diet. (picky eater) Or lack of protein. (I like chicken) Or maybe from the most average death a person can have. (which I wish I could name off something like a heart attack or cancer, but those are all to likely possibilities given history)  Maybe I'll get killed by a hobo. (7-8th grade) Or stalker.(9-present) I'm just going to stop since no one that reads this is going to get any of the references.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rant # 2: People and texting

     There are many many things I could say about this topic, but the thing that's annoying me today is when you text someone for two or so solid weeks and talk about everything possible, you occasionally still text but it gets boring fast. Then one day they say, "You never text me anymore". So you text them, and the conversation goes something like this:  Me: Hey.     Them: Hey :)     Me: What's up?   Them: nm u    Me: Just laying around bored. Them: Cool (or) lol  (conversation killer)  Me: Yep.   You don't complain I never text you if when I do you're going to send a conversation killer that far into the conversation. No matter how many times I tell them why I don't text them that much they still do it, and complain that I don't text them enough. I try to revive the conversation which works for a short amount of time before they kill it again with "lol".  Some of you are probably thinking "Well that's because they probably don't actually want to text you. " That's what I'm saying, but why keep complaining I never text them. Yes, that could be just being polite, but that's not really necessary when you talk to the person every day. You say that as a way of saying "we should keep in touch" or "we need need to talk more"  or something like that. If you see the person everyday and hang out with them during school a lot, there's really no need to say that unless you actually want to text, and it's annoying!
     Another thing dealing with texting, when you text someone and they reply an hour later. I get that you're busy, but if I think that I'm going to stay busy for a while I won't reply until I'm done being busy. This way the person I reply doesn't get a text and think "Yay, I'll have someone to talk to now". Because when you reply an hour later and I reply 5 minutes later and you take another hour and a half to reply it's kind of annoying and at that point I don't want to reply quickly because that's like saying "I have no life, so you can reply 3 hours later if you want and I'll still reply with-in 10 minutes." So if you feel the need to text back, just say "I'm busy, I'll text you later" Or don't put the "I'll text you later part" It'll get you out of having to. Or just don't reply at all. It'll save us both a lot of trouble. 
    Another thing, when someone says "brb" should you reply? I never know, I feel like texting back saying "ok" will just interrupt them and annoy them, but I've also had people that if I didn't reply they would never text back, so like two hours later I would eventually text back "alrighty then" and they would reply straight back "I'm back" and I'll feel like an idiot. Then when it comes time for me to say that I'll be right back I don't know whether they're going to reply or not. So I'm not sure if I should wait until they reply before I start doing what I need to do, or not. 
    Last thing, "text language". If you don't know what most of the terms mean, don't use them. If you if you have no earthly clue how to spell the words you're texting, don't text them. Commas, use them. When I get a text like this, I get deeply confused but I don't want to question it because I feel like I'm mocking their horrible spelling....Okay, well I can't think of an example off the top of my head right now, but you should know what I mean. Text terms are okay, I use them some of the time. Mostly I only use: lol, ok, u, 2, &, b/t, and w/. A couple of those I'll only use if I'm out of characters. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few teenagers who uses proper grammar during texts, I have to have my commas and punctuation or it kills me. I'm slowly getting used to other peoples bad grammar now. Thanks for reading my rant (you're the only one so far) enjoy your day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rant # 1: This Site

    I mentioned in my first post earlier I'm big on grammar. With that I mean I like paragraphs and such things like that. Well, I viewed the post after I posted it and I noticed the Title isn't centered. It's little things like that that drive me nuts. If anyone knows how to center the title of the post on the post I would greatly appreciate it. As you can probably tell by now little things like that irritate me. It takes a lot to irritate me, unless it's something little or I'm already irritated. I'm going to shut up now because I just realized I can edit that post to fix an error I noticed I made earlier. Yes. I am slow.

First Post

    Basically, I'm just going to use this as a place to put my rants, or random ideas that I find no point in expressing out loud and my friends are probably tired of them clogging (?) up their news feed on Facebook, you're welcome to read if you want but I really don't care. For the simple fact that I know there are people out there with no lives, just like me, and that might actually read this I feel the need to tell you about some of the things that I might rant about so you won't be lost.
    Firstly, I'll probably rant mostly about my grandmother, whom I love to death, that does lots of little things that irritate me profusely. Second, horrible grammar kills me. I more than likely will not rant about that but I feel the need to mention that so you know that every grammar mistake I notice after posting these will kill me. I can't spell to save my life and that kills me also, so please don't over look my spelling mistakes, if you can let me know how to spell the words I misspell it would be greatly appreciated. (I say if because I don't know how to use this/what it's able to do on here.) Thirdly, I write stories. I would love to become an author so some of my random ideas/rants may be about things relating to writing. Mostly I'm just going to type what ever comes to mind. I should mention, stalking is something of a... well I wouldn't say hobby, since I don't actually stalk people. It's illegal. I guess it's just one of those things, like some kids are into cows, or frogs, or pokemon, I'm into stalking. Though I'm not really a kid, I'm a teenager and that's all the personal info you will find out about me because I know the internet is full of stalkers. You're welcome to cyber stalk, but the second you know where I live I'll freak out. Enjoy your stay.